Hadley Creatives Application 2018 Work Samples


Premiere: June 8-9, 2018, Cincinnati, OH; Reworked: January 24-27, 2019
Narrative work exploring the grooming and manipulation used to lure and keep women in the sex trafficked industry, as well as the use of social media to attract and sell these women.

Password: BautistaTrafficked

"I am a Pretty Girl"

Premiere: January 7-8, 2017, Louisville, KY. Performed February 17-19, 2017 and September 2, 2017, Louisville KY. Performed September 23, 2017, Hungtington, VA. Performed March 9, 2018, Kalamazoo, MI
Solo work performed to the poem of the same title by Shayla Lawson investigating the misconception of being a pretty girl.

Password: BautistaPreTTygirl
Contact Form

Pillow Talk: function, dream, support, rest

Premiere: November 7, 2015, Louisville, KY. Reworked: June 21, 2017, Danville, KY
Lighthearted ensemble work showcasing the many functions of pillows through six vignettes and many props.

Password: BautistaPillowTalk

Inalienable Wrongs

Premiere: January 26-28, 2018 Lexington, KY; restaged for the American College Dance Festival March 8-11, 2019 University, MS
Inalienable Wrongs is an abstract non-narrative dance explores the polarization of rights and privilege through physical, aural, and spatial tensions. When the inalienable rights of some alienate the rights of others, where do you draw the line?


Premiere: July 8, 2017, Danville, KY
Winter is an excerpt of a larger work called the American Seasons that explored our country's history of internment camps and McCarthyism.

Password: BautistaWINTER
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